Eigensinn Farm Wild Leek and Maple Syrup Festival

A few Sundays ago we had the pleasure of visiting Michael Stadtlander’s Annual Wild Leek and Maple Syrup Festival at Eigensinn Farm.

It’s a magical place. Whimsical buildings, inspiring structures, pastoral animals, art installations and little forest and field nooks dot the property. It’s an outside art gallery, small scale mixed farm, architectural study and culinary exploration all rolled into one.

The weather co-operated perfectly and our walk thru the property into the forest was a delight to the senses. When we arrived at our destination, 2 dozen chefs dotted the landscape, cooking up their own delicious creations over woodfires. To single anyone out would just do everyone else an injustice. Nothing was short of excellent. Every single thing we tried was inspired with by the complexities and subtleties of the spring season. We tried everything, some things twice and left very happy and rather full.

Here are some pics from that gorgeous afternoon.

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