Prairie Boy Angels

This week has been a challenging one but we are feeling more optimistic…kinda like we are “winning” again. We have been watering round the clock. The latest planting of beans is germinating, the tomatoes are doing really well, we’ve saved some squashes, cukes, and watermelons from complete bug annihilation, the lettuces are growing and perking up, the pride chard is bouncing back etc. We bought a water pump so we can water the plants at a much faster rate which is really helping and last but not least we were visited by some Prairie Boy Angels. The “girls” showed up this long weekend with a passion for weed killing & tomato mulching like we’ve never seen before. We cannot express the deep gratitude we have for all your hard work, sweat, and company. We will hopefully express it better with tomatoes in August. Thank you Stacey, Christine and Emily for everything. We are touched by your efforts and well timed help. Mwah x 1000. And thanks to Tico for swooping in and helping with the moonlight harvest. Tomorrow is Tuesday. Market day & CSA pick up/delivery day. Our favourite day of the week.

Prairie Boy Angels

New pics

As the summer rolls forward, we just wanted to share a few pics from the last few weeks. It has been really busy and also alot of fun. We’ve made so many new friends this summer and are having such a great time talking about and eating great healthy food.
Special Shout Outs to:
   • Mark and Joyce from Sunrise Organics for their mentorship, wisdom and patience with us.
   • Len Senater from The Depanneur , our new neighbourhood food hotspot where we are a part of “interesting food things” happening.
• Everyone who has been a part of the experiment and experience we call Prairie Boy. You continually inspire and encourage us. 
Sincere Thanks,
Grant and Lainie

Grant bragging
Lainie’s gigantic farming hat
Prairie Boy Food Terminal
Garlic Angel, Mark Grahlman
Kelli Grahlman, Son of Garlic Angel
Carrots, being carrots
Nosey Cherry Tomato
Siamese Cherry Tomatoes
Beautiful Sunflower


Letters to the Editor?

One of our main reasons for growing food is that we LOVE to cook and eat and yet, ironically,  it feels like we havn’t had any time to cook or eat lately.  The lowest we’ve “sunk” recently was me spoon feeding take out roti to Grant as we drove back to the farm at 11pm. The opposite of “slow food”. hehe
We’ve since promised each other to make more time to cook and eat together and with friends or at least leave the other some leftovers.
In contrast to us eating take out in the car, we have been receiving amazing and sometimes hilarious feedback, pics, texts and recipes from everyone. It is so inspiring to hear and see what everyone has been cooking up with the veg we grew. It’s making me hungry just thinking about it. Here are some samples from the last few weeks. 
 Grilled Tomatillo Salsa
 “Thanks for the beets, lettuce and garlic fronds… sauteed the beet greens last night. SO delicious! Having the beets roasted on the BBQ tonight. The butter lettuce is yummy with simple oil and vinegar dressing. We are spoiled…” 
“daddy i met a real farmer”
“just picked up the beets. I left ten bucks under the green bucket at the bottom right of your back stairs”
“farmer lainie and her mister – wow. what an abundance of joy you dropped off at my house . thank you thank you thank you. good eatin xx”
 Lasagna using zucchini and eggplant instead of noodles
“Made an indulgent breakfast: squash blossom and pecorino-fresco frittata with garden herbs. Thank you Prairie Boy and MonforteDairy”
 “awesome basket”
 BBQ roasted beets and jalapenos

“i just unpacked the crate and it was like a treasure chest of goodies…i can’t wait to start using and experimenting…it’s truly a bounty of riches”
Mixed greens, green and yellow beans, anchovies, capers, roasted beets and bbq’d salmon kebobs

 Zucchini and Squash Blossoms with basil and peccorino Pizza

Thanks you everyone for sharing your enthusiasm and dinners with us. – Grant and Lainie xo

10 days in pictures

It’s been a crazy 10 days filled with harvesting, cleaning, drying, growing, delivering, friends. visiting, dinners, sunburn, mosquito bites, laughter, tears, helping, sharing and some serious cases of weed back. Self diagnosis of sore back from weeding. Here is a peak into our last hard, rewarding, busy 10 days. -Lainie
 Free Farm newbies Lisa and Julian
 Julian in the neighbours’ Soy at sunset
 Julian picking beans
friends coming for dinner
 sweaty farmer Grant
Grant, Jim and Olen harvesting garlic
 Jim and Olen Lesson 1: cleaning garlic and putting dirt in bucket
 First veg boxes/stockings for delivery
 Espelette Peppers from Spain
 Ah Houston, we have a Tomato problem
 Big A** Heirloom Tomato
 Zucchini Blossoms-new and old
 Corns – something has been knocking down stalks
 Crookneck Squash
 Baby Watermelon
 Green Tomatillos
 Cylindra Beets
Rainbow Swiss Chard